
var request = require('request');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;


Constructs a new Gist object. Instance of EventEmitter.

o is an Object which contains

  • username GitHub username
  • token Your secret API token, can be found in Account Settings
  • gist_id (optional) The Gist ID
function Gist(o) {;

  o = o || {};

  this.username = o.username;
  this.token = o.token;
  this.gist_id = o.gist_id;

Gist.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);

function response(statusCode, cb) {
  return function (err, response, body) {
    if (err) {
      return this.emit("err", err);

    switch (response.statusCode) {
    case statusCode:
      cb(body, response);
    case 201:
      this.emit("created", body, response);
    case 404:
      this.emit("error:notfound", body, response);
      this.emit("err", body, response);

function xhr(opts, data, cb, name) {
  if (data) {
    if (!this.username || !this.token) {
      return this.emit("error:credentials");

    opts.form = {
      login: this.username,
      token: this.token,
      "file_contents[text]": data,
      "file_name[text]": name

  return this.request(opts, cb);

Uses request to talk to GitHub API. Provided in the prototype so request can be mocked for tests.

Gist.prototype.request = function (opts, cb) {
  return request(opts, cb);

Retrieves a gist from

Uses gist_id to determine which gist it'll retrieve compatible with GitHub API v3

If no gist_id is provided, event error:gist_id is emitted.

On success, event get is emitted with body passed. body is the response from GitHub.

Gist.prototype.get = function () {
  if (!this.gist_id) {
    return this.emit('error:gist_id');

  var uri = '' + this.gist_id;
  var req = xhr.bind(this);
  var res = response.bind(this);

  req({ uri: uri }, null, res(200, function (body) {
    this.emit('get', body);

Convenience method which will create a new gist if gist_id is not provided. If it is provided, the gist will be updated.

Parameter data is the data to create/edit to gist

Gist.prototype.sync = function (data, name) {
  if (!this.gist_id) {
    return this.create(data, name);
  } else {
    return this.edit(data, name);

Edits a gist

Compatible with GitHub API v2. Success is status code 302.

If no gist_id is provided, event error:gist_id is emitted.

On success, event updated is emitted with body, the response from GitHub.

Gist.prototype.edit = function (data, name) {
  if (!this.gist_id) {
    return this.emit('error:gist_id');

  var opts = {
    uri: '' + this.gist_id,
    method: 'PUT'
  var req = xhr.bind(this);
  var res = response.bind(this);

  req(opts, data, res(302, function (body) {
    this.emit('updated', body);
  }.bind(this)), name);

Creates a new gist

Compatible with GitHub API v2. Success is status code 302.

On success, event created is emitted with body as well as the new gist_id.

Gist.prototype.create = function (data, name) {
  var opts = {
    uri: '',
    method: 'POST'
  var req = xhr.bind(this);
  var res = response.bind(this);

  req(opts, data, res(302, function (body, res) {
    var gist = /(\d+)/;
    var location = res.headers.location;
    var gist_id = null;

    if (gist.test(location)) {
      gist_id = gist.exec(location)[0];

    this.emit('created', body, gist_id);
  }.bind(this)), name);

module.exports = Gist;